CROATIA: ...and the winner is...Hvar !
One hour katamaran (hydrofoil) trip from Split gets you to Hvar town on the island of Hvar . Shuttle from Amfora Grand Beach Hvar was there waiting for us without any pre-arrangements, nice touch ! Trip on the way to Hvar has been quite dynamic across a less than quiet sea, nothing
major though; smooth sailing back to Split at the end of our stay in Hvar. Very scenic upon arrival in Hvar harbour, typical southern Italy-style coast houses that climb up surrounded by lush tropical vegetation.
La belle vie – that could easily be the main idea of the stay in Hvar, one of the places I would be delighted to get back to anytime.Day goes by in a relaxed fashion, getting on the lounge chairs under sunshades plentily available around the beautiful infinity & cascade swimming pool with an unbeatable view to the bay and islands facing the resort.
At least a couple of trips to the beach and bathing within the beautiful emerald green transparent water of the Adriatic make for a fully enjoyable day, from my experience no other place has the colors and lush vegetation diversity except for the Amalfi coast in Italy. However, Croatian sea water colors beat the ones in Sorrento or Capri hands down.
La belle vie, cam asa s-ar descrie sederea în Hvar unde as reveni oricînd cu mare plåcere.
Ziua decurge într-o însiruire plåcutå de farniente, ne instalam dimineata pe sezlonguri sub umbrele pe marginea piscinei infinite cu vedere la cele citeva insule din golful din fata complexului Amfora Grand Beach Hvar (resort) unde locuim. Mai facem cite o baie-doua pe zi si in apa marii care e cristalina si smaragd ca culoare, n-am mai vazut nicaieri asa culori si vegetatie si diversitate in afara de coasta Amalfi.
Iar noaptea orasul e atit de animat ca e supranumit St-Tropez al Croatiei, muzica, se danseaza in aer liber la terase, peste tot e ceva care se petrece, face så parå atmosfera din orice resort all-inclusive boring prin comparatie. Amfora unde am locuit, plasat la 4 minute de oras, a fost perfect ca locatie si nu a fost searå så ne întoarcem sub 12 noaptea…
There’s always something happening within Hvar’s Italian style main square featuring the traditional campanile (tower) and great ice cream perfectly matching the Italian-style feel. . Great location staying at Amfora Grand Beach resort, a short 4 minutes very enjoyable walk to town, there was no coming back before midnight for us in any evening.
Piata principala foarte animata atit pe timp cu de zi cit si de noapte, stil italian inca o fata traditionalul campanile si inghetata asortata la peisaj. Plimbare foarte placuta de la Amfora in oras 4 minute de-a lungul marii...
Going westwards (the opposite direction of the one leading to town) you get to enjoy a good lengthy stroll along the beautiful seaside, passing bay a lot of sun worshipers laying on the rocks, bathing and other summer activities, while you can’t miss the outdoors café where kids dance to an incredibly infectiously entertaining flow of music the whole day long into the sunset and past it.
In sens opus orasului te poti plimba o groazå si admira apusul soarelui peste mare si insule, iar în drum sînt o groazå de locuri unde lumea face plajå pe stînci, inclusiv treci de fiecare datå pe lîngå o cafenea în aer liber unde pustii danseazå de dimineata pîna seara pe o muzicå îndråcitå.
Had watched the World Cup Soccer final (Spain - Netherlands) at a terrasse with a gorgeous sunset and nighttime view to town and marina making it difficult in the beginning to decide about what to watch first, the game or the rest. Had our table next to an all-Dutch supporters table within a sea of Spanish enthusiasts that had a very enthusiastic celebration of their team’s victory.
Si finala campionatului de fotbal am urmarit-o la o terasa cu vedere spre marina si oras la apus de soare de nu stii unde sa te uiti mai intii la meci sau la vederea spre oras. Am stat linga un grup de suporteri olandezi dar total depasiti la numar de spanioli care au sarbatorit victoria intr-o efuzie de entuziasm tipic latin.