Only daytrip (rather sunset trip) was the one to Cavtat on a 45 minutes enjoyable boat ride where we could thoroughly admire the beautiful sunset from a cafe terasse perfectly located best seats in town. For the rest of the time spent in Dubrovnik, the same relaxed schedule with sun pool and sea every day at the resort, where everything had been very nicely laid out to allow for getting into the water by using the pool-like stair entrances and laying down on lounge chairs and under parasols on the platform all along the rocks that make our the seaside entrance.
Singura iesire din Dubrovnik a fost un tur la Cavtat cu un vapor pe care-l iei din Dubrovnik dureazå 45 de minute si poti admira un apus de soare perfect de la terasa cafenelelor amplasate ideal pt. scopul åsta. In rest plajå si baie în mare/piscinele de la resort, foarte bine amenajat cu intrare în apå pe scåri ca în piscinå pt. ca totul e o platformå foarte bine fåcutå pe malul mårii.